Sharon as a child

Meet Sharon

Sharon lives in Oakland County, MI. Her career in Education has taken her to PA, NJ, and GA. Her students, from whom she has learned an abundance of lifelong lessons (they kept her learning and laughing!), have spanned grades 4 through 11 and college. Throughout her career she has taught literature, writing, theatre, history, science, French, Health and ESL, and has directed many a student play.

Beyond teaching, she served as Head of School (8 yrs.), sat on a Friends school board outside of Philly, and joined parents, community members and former donors on a Community Exploration Committee to revive a Friends school in Detroit. Her administrative duties include Strategic Planning, Finance/Budgeting, Development/Fundraising, Curriculum Development and School Re-accreditation. She is now retired and writing.

Sharon has drawn her inspiration from traveling throughout every geographical region in the U.S. and across Uganda. She has observed that the most profound, unifying Truth is God’s intensive, unrelenting Love, no doubt for all of his beloved children, but most especially for the poorest, the weakest, and all other most vulnerable “others” among us. Why? Because while they own little to nothing, they give everything they have—would lovingly prepare and serve their very last (village) chicken to strangers—because they are incapable of withholding graciousness (Grace?) from anyone. From mud huts in the most remote African villages to the poorest towns across this country, Love, Generosity and Kindness (the Fruits of the Spirit) abound. And to God, it’s a matter of the heart.


  • B.S. in Secondary Education/English from Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA

  • M.A. in English from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA


Literature, writing, history, theatre, music


Sharon sang for many years with both The Bucks County Choral Society and the Lehigh University Community choirs while remaining a part of a community church choir/ensemble in Ocean City, NJ.